Flushd Features

Find Bathrooms

Find Bathrooms

Flushd makes it simple to find and discover bathrooms around you in real-time at your location. Need to find a bathroom like…NOW??? Are you a mom looking for a changing table? Need a restroom that meets your expectation of cleanliness (whatever that may be…we ain’t judging ya!) Flushd has you covered.

Earn Badges & Achievments

Earn Badges & Achievments

Ever find yourself saying "I wish the bathroom experience could be gamified."  Us too.  Or "If only I could earn badges for tracking my bathroom habits.  You know, like the girl scouts or boy scouts but for my intestinal track?"  Sounds way out there, but we dig it and did it anyway.  Welcome to the Bathroom Olympics, just without those annoying gold medals.

Earn badges when you use Flushd to:

  • Discover your bathroom's of choice,
  • Enjoy your in-stall experience by viewing content,
  • Sharing the app with your friends or publishing socially to your networks,
  • Rating and reviewing restrooms or adding locations to our bathroom database, and
  • other crazy and fun things we may come up with on the way. Like our eco-pee'r page for using bathrooms with waterfree urinals.

We will be tying in these badges eventually with a reward system where you can earn prizes and discounts, so get out there and make your presence felt. 

Track Your Activities

Track Your Activities

Find out information you didn’t know (and never knew you wanted to know) by using the Flushd Analyzer to track and trend interesting facts about how quickly and how often you use the bathroom. At Flushd, your #1’s and #2’s add up, multiply and divide to give you insight into your habits and preferences.